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Countryside Dancers

Letter from Joe Laliberte, President

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Countryside Dancers




August 21, 2004


I am delighted to report that your club’s directors and officers have finalized its financial estimates for the 2004 budget.  As it stands today, we believe that we will finish the year “in the black”.  Indeed, our treasurer reports that we actually made a small amount of money in the last quarter!  In my view, we owe a “round of applause” to Stan and Doris Pelletier (the proprietors of C & J Hall) and our DJ, Buddy White for their generosity.  Having now secured a “sliding scale” process of weekly payment, we can remain viable when our numbers are low and we can both profit when our numbers are high.  I offer them my personal thanks to all of you who have aided us in this process. 


Our Festival de Joie (street dance) went off without a hitch.  We all had fun and the event appeared to be a successful undertaking.  Elaine Poirier was our MC for the evening.  The crowd seemed pleased.  We are now setting the stage for our participation at the Balloon Festival.  Bonnie and Bruce Smith have worked long and hard for our introduction to the public with an “opening act” line dance and a selection of other dances…with new music!.  We are, indeed, fortunate to have them. 


Your directors have approved a “Cowboy of the Year” and “Cowgirl of the Year” form of member recognition.  Many of you might recall our years of having a “King and Queen”.  In years past, the King and Queen were elected by our members.  For whatever reason, the tradition seemed to fade away.  Patsy Laliberte (my personal “Commander-in-Chief”) came up with the idea of having a top cowboy and top cowgirl for each year, based on member participation.  In short, the Countryside Dancer Member (male and female) whose name is “checked off” the most often over the course of the quarter (attending our Wednesday club meeting nights) name will be placed aside for our annual drawing.  At the end of the year, we will have had four (4) quarters of member participation and, at a minimum eight (8) club member names.  Four (4) of these members will be cowboys and the other four (4) cowgirls.  Obviously, in the event of a tie in attendance, the other name(s) will be put into the hat as well.  The season’s “ Cowboy of the Year” and “Cowgirl of the Year” will be drawn at our annual picnic.  Obviously, they need not be a couple.  Our member names are now listed individually so that individual members who attend without their boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other can participate.  The top cowboy and top cowgirl will then get to wear, briefly, a club loaned cowboy hat and horse stick.  The board has voted to have T-shirts printed for the top cowboy and top cowgirl of the year simply identifying them as such, i.e. “Top Cowgirl” Countryside Dancers 2004.  The process will be repeated onto the next year.  It should be a lot fun! Thank you Patsy…




Our dance attendance numbers appear to be increasing. We even have new members, and new member prospects. Lets keep going.  If you ever thought of how best you could help your club, I’m here to tell you that you can help us by “showing up” at a dance and by sharing with us your club spirit. Of course, we welcome your  $4 at the door as well.


Finally, I want to thank member and Director Claudette Martel and our treasurer, Ken St. Amand for all of their work in realigning our budget, as well as, conducting an informal financial review of the club’s “books” (financial records).  Our club’s assets were accounted for. Claudette made recommendations to facilitate on-going financial accountability.  My thanks go to both.


I’m honored to serve our club as its president…  Lets Dance! 





Joe Laliberte, President

Country Side Dancers












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